Artisan Built Communities is now offering virtual appointments. Interested home buyers can choose to either virtually tour a house with us via video phone call or have a virtual meeting with our new home specialist from the comfort of their own home. This helps us to serve our clients while also social distancing as a health precaution in light of the recent COVID-19 outbreak.
We are utilizing a new online scheduling tool to make appointments. Future home buyers can click here to set up a tour. Appointments are available for both of our popular Paulding County communities - The Georgian and NatureWalk at Seven Hills. Sign up for a tour by selecting your preferred date and time. Let us make your dream of a new home come true!
With recent COVID-19 outbreak, it's important for all of us to act more consciously regarding our health and safety, as well as the health and safety of others. Complying with the guidelines and recommendations provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Artisan Built Communities is taking action to reduce the spread of the virus by practicing social distanc-ing with both our clients and our employees.
Our clients' and employees' safety are of the upmost importance to us. We are committed to creating the safest home buying experience possible for all throughout these challenging times. Take care, we will all get through this together!
For more information on Artisan Built Communities, or information on how to purchase a new home, visit www.discoverartisan.com or call 770-231-3919.