Tips for Decluttering Your Home in the New Year

Tips for Decluttering Your Home in the New Year

When the new year arrives, we think it's time to give your home a whole new look! It's easy for our homes to get cluttered as we get new things throughout the year, but this new beginning is the perfect time to take control of the mess.

Consider clutter around your home as things that take up space but don't add any real value to your life. When you declutter, you're saying goodbye to things you don't need and hello to prioritizing items you truly value!

Does this task seem daunting? Don't worry, we're here to help you get started making your home clean and tidy! Take a look at our tips for decluttering your home this new year:

Set a Timeline

Organizing your home can be stressful, especially if you take on too much at a time! Don't make the mistake of trying to jump into decluttering your home all at once - this may cause you to become overwhelmed and potentially leave the task unfinished.

Tidying up your home will take time, and it's important to be realistic about the time it will take. To do so, make a timeline and checkpoints to plan out the cleaning process. This ensures that you keep yourself accountable for getting things done and work at a reasonable pace.

Don't let this become another unaccomplished New Year's resolution - make a plan and get the job done!

Go Through Each Room Separately

Your house has plenty of spaces to love that each have specific purposes, which means the items necessary for each room will differ. The best way to declutter your home intentionally and efficiently is to tackle each room one at a time. Be sure to address every item you don't need within each space before moving on to the next.

This is another way to ensure you don't become frustrated as you work and that you'll attain a sense of accomplishment along the way. Once you have successfully decluttered one space, this is the perfect motivation to convince you to make the rest of your home look just as neat and clean!

Make an Organization System

As you begin organizing each room, you'll need a plan for how to sort through the items. It's important to actively clean the room as you decide what you will and won't keep to ensure the decluttering process keeps moving right along!

A popular method is gathering three boxes to help you decide what you do and do not need item-by-item. These three boxes would represent what you plan to keep, get rid of or put in storage for the time being. After you finish separating items into these three sections, each will need to be sorted for their different purposes.

While sorting your items, consider a few key questions to determine their value:

  • Is this item something you regularly use or need?
  • Does this item bring me joy or have sentimental value?
  • Do I plan to use this item in the future?

Depending on your answers, this should help you decide where each item belongs. If the answer is no to all of these questions when thinking about an object, this is the perfect item to get rid of and declutter!

Start Tidying Up Regularly

Now that you've finished decluttering, the trick is to realize this is a job that never ends for good! Clutter is common and it can easily return once you've replenished your home with new items.

Instead of becoming frustrated, we suggest making a regular plan to tidy up and consider what you don't need. Whether you decide to declutter every few months or once a year, this is the best way to stay in a mess-free mindset and keep your home looking nice and neat!

Decluttering your home and parting with unnecessary items can challenging, but with these tips, we think you're up for the task! Making sure your home is only filled with things that matter is the first step to creating a space that truly brings you happiness.

We have beautiful new homes available within several award-winning master-planned communities. Discover your dream home filled with spaces you'll love to keep clean all year long! To learn more about Artisan Built Communities in Paulding County, contact us today.

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